Purchasing processes on autopilot

Acquirepad enables simple & focused purchasing processes without brokers

Intuitive purchase profiles

Create any number of detailed & confidential purchase profiles intuitively and with just a few clicks. Each purchase profile is evaluated for each property, continuously around the clock.

Structured object teasers

No more unstructured teasers and exposés. With us, you get clean, structured information with high data quality from the owner, every time. The teasers automatically include research data from Riwis by Bulwiengesa and our own research AI.

Integrated data room

You can gain access to the data room within a few minutes and start the audit. This saves us an enormous amount of time and the need for coordination between the parties, which makes it easier to work.

Intuitive purchase profiles

Create any number of detailed purchase profiles intuitively and with just a few clicks. Your purchase profiles are confidential and cannot be viewed by third parties.

Structured object teasers

No more scrolling through unstructured documents. With us, you as a buyer receive a clean and structured teaser, every time. Current research and contact details are available for you to view.

Integrated data room

You receive all important documents directly from the seller in the free integrated data room. This allows you to start the in-depth check directly without media discontinuity.

How Acquirepad works

"(...) This platform offers something that has never existed before: a closed and digital marketplace exclusively for professional investors with direct and transparent communication between the players. The ease of use makes it an every day tool for us."

Benjamin Ahrends, Head of Real Estate Purchasing, Berner Group Real Estate

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